Deena Bell

Deena Bell Re-elected to Continue to Serve in Miami

Deena Bell Re-elected to Continue to Serve in Miami

Deena R. Bell, Membership and Leadership chair for ASLA FL was re-elected to continue serving on the City of Miami Beach Design Review Board for a term of two more years. This appointment by Mayor Philip Levine and the City Commissioners is important for the profession of landscape architecture because it puts our profession in the forefront of urban planning solutions relating to building and development City- wide. The design review board studies projects proposed for renovation or new construction for aesthetics and functionality, and currently is especially focusing on environmental issues and sea level rise initiatives to create creative ways to solve the City’s flooding problems.  The design review board is broadcast on local television during each monthly meeting. Please visit the City of Miami Beach website to view these podcasts to see landscape architects alongside architects, attorneys, real estate developers, public office holders, and environmentalists at work assisting with important planning and development decisions.